White-Label Mobile App for Restaurants: Enhancing Customer Loyalty and Engagement
Quebec city, Qc, Canada
White-Label mobile App for restaurant

White-Label Mobile App for Restaurants: Enhancing Customer Loyalty and Engagement

In an increasingly competitive market, restaurants need innovative tools to foster customer loyalty and drive engagement. This white-label mobile app was designed specifically to help restaurants retain and reward their customers while providing a seamless and personalized experience. The app integrates features such as loyalty programs, push notifications, promotional banners, and online ordering—all in a customizable, branded package.

Back office
Design system
Art Direction
Account creation in mobile app
Order food
Ui bottom sheet
Cards UI documentation
UI documentation
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The Challenge: Balancing Customization and Usability

The main challenge in designing this white-label mobile app was balancing the customization needs of various restaurant brands while maintaining a consistent and intuitive user experience. Every restaurant wanted a unique look and feel, but the core features—loyalty programs, promotions, and ordering systems—needed to remain streamlined and user-friendly across different interfaces.

The Solution: A Flexible and Scalable Design

To solve this, I implemented a modular design system that allowed restaurants to easily customize their app's branding, colors, and layouts without altering the underlying architecture. The loyalty program was built to be flexible, enabling businesses to tailor rewards, points accumulation, and special offers to their specific needs.

Additionally, the push notification system was designed to support personalized messaging, ensuring that restaurants could engage their customers with timely and relevant promotions.

Key Features:

  • Home Page Overview: Summarizes loyalty progress, offers quick access to points and rewards, and features promotional banners.
  • Loyalty Program Integration: Allows users to collect points, redeem rewards, and scan their loyalty card directly from the app.
  • Personalized Push Notifications: Restaurants can send targeted promotions and announcements, boosting customer engagement.
  • Store Locator: A built-in store locator helps users easily find the nearest restaurant location, complete with directions and contact information.
  • Quick Loyalty Card Access: Customers can quickly pull up their loyalty card in-store, making it easy to collect points or redeem rewards on the spot, ensuring a seamless in-store experience.
  • Strategic Call-to-Actions: Throughout the user flow, I strategically integrated call-to-action buttons leading to the order section. This ensures that users are consistently encouraged to place orders, supporting the primary objective of driving revenue for restaurants.

Objectives to achieve

  • Increase the number and recurrence of orders
  • Double the number of user accounts created and used
  • Enter the top 50 mobile applications on the app store, “Food and dining” section 6 months after launch.

Methodology and tools:

  • VOC with stackholders and end users
  • Competition analysis (28 apps)
  • User flow (not juste Happy path :)
  • Wireframe and clickable prototype
  • Users tests
  • Design system

User flow
Wireframe - Home
Wireframe - Order online
Wireframe - Store locator
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Commercialization Strategy

As a product designer, my responsibilities extended beyond the design of the app itself. A critical aspect of ensuring the app’s success was thinking a comprehensive commercialization strategy. The goal was to ensure that foodies were not only aware of the app’s existence but also excited to engage with the loyalty program, thereby driving repeat visits and increasing customer lifetime value.

Back-Office Configuration

Another essential component was the back-office setup and thinking. This system allows restaurant owners and managers to easily configure the app, customize loyalty programs, and manage promotions. We prioritized user-friendly interfaces to minimize the learning curve and ensure that the app could be tailored to the specific needs of each restaurant.

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This app has empowered restaurants to strengthen customer loyalty, drive repeat business, and enhance overall customer satisfaction. It has also streamlined the configuration process for restaurant owners, allowing them to easily manage promotions, rewards, and customer engagement through a user-friendly back-office.

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